Dental caries - a lesion on the tooth surface caused by the loss of mineral substance. After some time it leads to the formation of a cavity.
Pulpitis - an inflammatory process of the dental nerve. It usually develops when a caries lesion is left without treatment for a long period of time. The carious lesion grows so big that it affects the nerve inside the tooth. This inflammation might cause different complaints: from moderate but lasting toothaches, when consuming sweets or cold drinks, to strong pain during the late night hours.
Periodontitis - it occurs when the inflammatory process (mentioned above) is left without treatment. Then the inflammation is spread not only inside the tooth nerve, but also around the root end of the tooth- in the very jawbone. At this stage it is often impossible to save the tooth without surgical methods of treatment.
Gingivitis - this is an inflammation of the gums. Most often a bleeding is present. Bleeding might occur during brushing or even spontaneously.
Parodontitis - this is an inflammatory process including all structures, which hold the teeth in the jawbone.
Bacterial plaque - when teeth are left for a period of time without brushing, a film, consisting of bacteria (which are normally present in the mouth) and food residue is formed. This film has excellent adhesion properties. It covers the teeth and is known as "dental plaque". It is for sure the main factor for caries and gingivitis.
Dental Implant - is a titanium screw that is carefully placed into the jawbone to act as an anchor to support one or more teeth. They can also be anchors to improve the stability and retention of loose dentures. An implant can be placed on top of the bone (subperiosteal), through the bone (transosteal), or within the bone (endosseous). Root form implants replace the root portion of a tooth.
Dental implants are truly a revolution, solving an age old problem safely and predictably. Many patients report exciting benefits from dental implants, such as:
* Replacement teeth look, feel and function like natural teeth
* Improved taste and appetite
* Improved cosmetic appearance
* The ability to chew without pain or gum irritation
* Improved quality of life
One additional and very important benefit can be the reduction or elimination of bone atrophy or shrinkage, commonly associated with loss of teeth.